23 ladies from Jefferson County attended the Homemakers Camp at the 4-H Camp on Lake West Frankfort
(seated) Pat Douglas, Roma Wilson, Betty Bergbower, Charlene Mattingly, Shirley Williams, Betty Hayse, Sue Nordin, Mildred Loehr, Roba Samford and Marguerite Douglas
(standing) Olive Nadolski, Mabelle Lisenby, Alberta Johnson, Louise Clark, Mildred Heintz, Marjorie Schuchardt, Alverda Tate, Lorene Prasuhn, Zeulma Payne, Evelyn Harlan, Mae Wangler
Jefferson County delegates to the Annual Illinois Homemakers Extension Federation meeting in Urbana. Attending were: Mrs. Arthur Samford, Mrs. John Kent, Mrs. George Byars, Pauline Dobbs, Mrs. Rudolph Nordin, Mrs. Henry Piper, Oma Jones
County Program Planning Meeting
Nina Dare, Neloise Foreman, Pearl Thomason, Shirley Grace, Roba Samford
Oma Jones, Sue Nordin, Alma Byars, Joan Kent, Louise Piper and Pauline Dobbs discuss the program for 1971-72
Extension Council Officers meeting in Carbondale
Oma Jones, Ralph Marteeny, Huel Cross, Pauline Dobbs, Sue Nordin, Roba Samford, Ronald Cornwell, Pearl Thomason, Mildred Nuttall, Zulema Payne, Larry Wachtel
Meeting to discuss the membership drive of Jefferson County Homemakers Extension
Mrs. George Shepherd, Mrs Henry Piper, Mrs Wayne Moore, Mrs. Herman Wangler, Mrs. Arthur Samford, Mrs. Leland Hutson
Louise Piper, Membership Chairman, and Mrs. Albert Payne, District VI Director, and speaker at the membership kick-off.
Working on records for the selection of "Member of the Year" are Nina Dare, Roba Samford, Mrs. Jim Tom Warren and Mrs. Jackie Ferguson
Learning the art of cake decorating are (seated) Dorthea Walker, Pat Copeland, Oleta Flack, instructor
(standing) Dinah Atkinson, Marcella Marlow, Linda Nelson, Betty Brumley, Donna Hale, Marilyn Vulchard, Marie Pierce
Members of Young Homemakers Unit presented lesson on "Garnishes of Food"
Homemakers Extension presented a style show at the annual meeting. Models seated Maxine Jones, Betty Bratcher, Nancy Piper, Sharon Prosise. Standing are Mary Douthit and Verna Catron
Extension Advisor Oma Jones giving a lesson on "Fancy Sandwiches"
Installation of officers into the Belle Rive Unit
Belle Rive Unit enjoying a foods lesson
Mrs. Alfred Stimpert, state membership chairman and Mrs. Albert Payne, district VI director of membership, display a map of Illinois showing membership.
Myrtle Beal, Roba Samford, Sue Nordin and Opal Ward at Citizenship Conference
Rome day Unit
Edith Butler, Louvena Tucker, Cora Dobbs, Wilhelmene Hawkins, Muriel badger, Lucille Warren and Ora Lee Davis
1971-72 Extension Council meeting with the 1970-71 Council for a training session with Mildred Nuttal, Assistant State Leader
Annual Meeting in Urbana
Summersville Unit
Summersville Unit
Camp Ground Unit
Camp Ground Unit
Boyd Unit
Van Dorn Unit
Spring Membership Drive
Spring Membership Drive
Mt. Vernon Evening Unit
Ina Unit
Mt. Vernon Evening Unit
4H Leaders honored with 5-year pins & certificates
Front - Wilma Kimmel, Susan Stewart, Katherine Whipple
Back - Jerry Clemens, L. M. Richardson, Lloyd Ellis
New members were honored at a membership party
Membership Party
Membership Party
Membership Party
Membership Party
Installation of Officers
Roba Samford & _________
Installation of Officers
Extension Officers
Sue Nordin, Neloise Foreman, Lucille Laird, Evelyn Drennan, Mary Hertenstein, Roba Samford, Louise Piper, Pearl Thomason, Joan Kent, Evelyn Harlan, Sharon Prosise
Installation of Officers (Unit)
Beau Brehm Ranch will give a lucky 4H'er a registered polled hereford.
Dodds Day Unit
Oma Jones, Evelyn Drennan, Debbie Nociar, Randy Fitzgerrells
viewing certificate of commendation awarded to Gun Creek Puddle Jumpers 4H club.