Georgia Lamke delivers a meal to Lifeboat Alliance Homeless Shelter
Karen Lamke & Sidney Laird worked at the Ag in the Classroom Breakfast & got their picture taken with State Representative Dave Severin
Field Unit members with their donation to BEE-CAUSE Pollinators Feed the World.
Front - Joann Williams, Judy Eaton, Ruth Ann Weisel; Back - Sarah Mae Waite, Kelley Deichman
Treasa Brookman & Sarah Mae Waite at the Belle Rive meeting where they held an Iris Folding card class
The Belle Rive Unit & HCE Board made a donation to the Opdyke Belle Rive PTO. Shown are Amanda Richardson, Jessica Catalfamo & OBR teacher
Board at Conference
Treasa Brookman, Sidney Laird, Janice Wagner, Imogene Lamczyk, Donna Vancil, Karen Lamke, Sarah Mae Waite
Board at Conference dressed for the Roaring 20's
Karen Lamke, Janice Wagner, Sidney Laird, Imogene Lamczyk, Sarah Mae Waite, Treasa Brookman, Donna Vancil
Education Awards won at Conference
Sarah Mae Waite with Cultural Enrichment, Sidney Laird with Honorable Mention for County of the Year, Donna Vancil with Family & Community Issues
Sarah Mae Waite, Cultural Enrichment Director, taught an embroidery class at the Waltonville Unit. Pictured are Sarah, Lucille Trader, Judy Sheriff, Barb Gajewski, Pam Heck
10 quilts were donated to The Amy Center. Donna Vancil on the far left and Karen Lamke, second from the right. Quilt tops were made by Karen Lamke, Lucille Trader, Shirley Laur Nadolski, and Donna Vancil and all were quilted by Abby Newell.
Donna Vancil is shown with 7 quilts which were donated to Spero's Best Beginnings program. Quilts were made by Karen Lamke, Shirley Laur Nadolski & Donna Vancil. All were quilted by Abby Newell
IAHCE State President, Angela Hick, spoke to the group at International Day.
International Day
International Day
Steven Wagner displayed his souvenirs from his trip to Egypt when he was 10. Egypt was the country of study for 2023.
Canned goods collected at the International Luncheon was donated to Epworth Food Pantry. Member, Ruth Ann Wheeler, is co-ordinator for the Food Pantry.
Donna Vancil is shown with the Meals on Wheels food bags. Delivering Meals on Wheels every Monday was one of HCE's projects.
Donna Vancil delivered paper goods and a check to Family Life Homeless Shelter.
Treasa Brookman, left, made our first donation to Spero's Youth Build program from the Belle Rive Unit.
Lesson at the Historical Village on May 10th
Sidney Laird, Linda Roberts, & Mary Lou Bowlin at the Historical Village
Karen Lamke at the Historical Village
Karen Lamke presented one of the HCE scholarships to Sophie Trader of Waltonville High School. A second scholarship was given to Jy'Zaree Barney of Mt. Vernon High School
Board members at District 5 Mini Meeting in Benton.
Standing - District 5 Director, Carol Harms, Sidney Laird, Janice Wagner, Sarah Mae Waite, IAHCE International Director, Janel Kassing
Seated - Julia Laur, Jeanie Peek, Donna Vancil
Waltonville Unit had lunch in Benton, IL
Back - Sharmin Wagner, Georgia Lamke, Imogene Lamczyk, Lucille Trader, Pam Heck, Donna Vancil, Jeanie Peek
Seated - Sidney Laird, Donna Kay Burlison, Barbara Gajewski, Judy Sheriff, Julia Laur
Eleven members of the Belle Rive Unit met at Joe's Pizza.
Donna Vancil delivered magazines to Countryside Nursing Home
Karen Lamke on a visit to a wildflower farm.
Donna Vancil's grandsons, Lucas and Logan Hall, helped deliver the Meals on Wheels.
IAHCE Board member, Ashley Davis, models the T-shirt for the 2024 Convention. The theme Diamonds are Forever will be used to celebrate 100 years of IAHCE.
Board at the District 5 Meeting
Karen Lamke, Donna Vancil, Janice Wagner, Treasa Brookman, Sidney Laird, Jeanie Peek, Sarah Mae Waite, Julia Laur
Donna Vancil delivered 6 quilts to The Amy Center. Judy Sheriff, Barbara Gajewski & Donna made the quilt tops. Abby Newell quilted all of them & Lucille Trader sewed down the binding.
Julia Laur & Diane Laur are shown decorating wine bottles which will be used as decorations for Annual Meeting.
Cultural Enrichment Director, Sarah Mae Waite, made several baby items for the Holy Sews program.
Several attended the tour at Cedarhurst which included a quilt show.
The Field & Waltonville Units donated lunch foods for Spero's Youth Build program.
HCE used the yearly yard sale as their main money making project.
Donna Vancil delivered Leapfrog items to CASA. One was donated by member, Shirley Laur Nadolski
Karen Lamke helping Lucille Schlabach, Farm Bureau Ag Literacy Coordinator, with the Ag in the Classroom program.
Donna Vancil & Treasa Brookman delivered paper goods & a monetary donation to Family Life Homeless Shelter.
Bus Trip to Cairo, Illinois. The fountain in the picture was donated about 100 years ago & now descendants of the donor want it back.
Bus Trip to Cairo, Illinois
Janice Wagner at Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting
Treasa Brookman presenting Sidney Laird, Retiring President, with a gift for her many years of service at Annual Meeting.
The new board at Annual Meeting.
Carol Harms, Distrist 5 Director; Donna Vancil, President & Family & Community Issues; Imogene Lamczyk, 2nd Vice; Treasa Brookman, Treasure & PR; Janice Wagner, 4H & Youth; Karen Lamke, 1st Vice; Sidney Laird & Anita Burney, International; Sarah Mae Waite, Secretary & Cultural Enrichment; Jeanie Peek, CVH & Ways & Means